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Otorhinolaryngology at Kaiserplatz

The field of otorhinolaryngology includes the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of complaints in the entire head and neck area. In our medical practice in downtown Frankfurt, we can fully cover this spectrum thanks to our long experience.

Hearing diagnostics

We offer comprehensive hearing diagnostics in order to detect and treat hearing disorders at an early stage. This includes, among other things:

  • Audiometry
  • Speech audiometry
  • Tympanometry
  • Stapedius reflex measurement
  • Otoacoustic emissions (OAES)
  • Brainstem evoked response audiometry (BERA)
  • Hearing aid fitting

Allergy diagnostics

Allergy diagnostics is based on anamnesis, clinical examination and various test procedures in order to identify and treat allergens. Therapy includes in particular specific immunotherapies (hyposensitization, desensitization) which we offer in our practice for children and adults:

  • Subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT)
  • Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT)

Diagnosis of vertigo

In the case of unclear vertigo, we carry out various diagnostic procedures in our practice in order to confirm or rule out a cause in the field of ear, nose and throat medicine. Only then can an optimal therapy be initiated.

These include:

  • Electronystagmography (ENG)
  • Position and attitude examination
  • Release maneuvers for positional vertigo

Professional earwax cleaning

Ear cleanings are important for healthy ears. Over time, earwax (cerumen) and other debris such as dander accumulate in the ear canals. These can lead to complaints such as ear pain (due to inflammation of the ear canal), hearing loss with ringing in the ears (tinnitus) or dizziness.

In our practice we perform professional ear cleaning. During this procedure, the ear canal is examined with an ear funnel and a microscope, and the deposits are removed with special instruments.

My team and I look forward to welcoming you to our practice.

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069 / 95 63 40 44